Wednesday, June 6, 2012

In the life of...

2 year olds are amazing!  They are like stealth objects moving through your life.  

One minute they are sitting there being sweet, looking at a book and babbling while you are being distracted talking to another child sitting across the table...  (unfortunately, there is a vase with flowers making the perfect camouflage for her to hide her mischievous plan)... 

Then, you get up and walk to her and smile and say "oh honey, don't cut up that book, it belongs to your sister..."  you look at her sweet smile and then,

as you are about to remove the safety school scissors from her little tight fist, you notice that not only the book has been cut, but...

 "oh my" her hair! "oh my" her hair! and her shirt!!! 

What in the world has happened???  She's the most beautiful, precious little child that you've ever seen and in one swift moment of time she has cut all those precious golden locks off her fore head...  Almost like using a #1 attachment on the clippers its so close to her scalp... 

What kind of mother are you?  How could you let this happen? 

Let this happen???  She's sitting in the same room with me! She's at the same table with me!  I didn't "let" it happened...

I believe that she will grow up and be part of the C.I.A. or some other secret organization. She will be an international spy known only for her amazing acts of stealth and agility... She's grooming herself (yes, pun intended) to be like James Bond, Cody Banks, Emma Peel, Perry the Platypus... 

1 comment:

NLT said...

hahaha this is so funny! OH MY! lol yes, I believe you are correct, definitely the CIA. :)
