Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the pool is done.

Well we've installed the pool. We finally got the ladder assembly put together today and the dirt filled in around it last night. The kids have had a lot of fun in the sun today. Samantha got burnt (oops) and Bubby got sun on his face... It is really nice to just get in and float around. (Especially when the kids aren't in it to splash you constantly!)


NLT said...

Looks like fun! I love just floating around... lol and I like the library website on your sidebar! You guys must go there a lot! :P

Unknown said...

Hi Nikki! thanks for stopping by my blog! You'll have to come over and take a dip with Samantha when you're not working or going to school... does that happen very often? lol take care!

Shelly said...

That looks like FUN!! Especially with the warm weather. I bet the kids will have a blast this summer. I am glad you got it finished.

NLT said...

I'd love to! That would be fun.

Amy Fichtner said...

I'm on my way!!!! LoL