Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day

Although we probably won't get to enjoy the picnic planned today at church, I wanted to tell you all that I hope you have an enjoyable day with your families and friends.

Our day will be action packed with cleaning out and organizing the garage (a much needed task to complete), shoveling through the "mountain" of laundry we've ignored this week, raging war against the dust bunnies, and applying a little color to our upright structures (painting) if there's any time left :-)


I will need tomorrow to rest.


Shelly said...

Labor Day is supposed to be a day of rest, but it is hard to rest when there is so much work that needs done. We worked in the morning and early afternoon, then we "played". I hope you got the work done you wanted to.

Shelly said...

Forgot to say, I like your hair! It looks great!

NLT said...

Hope you got to rest yesterday! what a busy labor day! :P